Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How I Met P-Dub

Oh what a fast and furious weekend we had. As I posted last week I was taking a road trip to see Ree Drummond at a book signing in Denver.....After a morning that started at 5:30 am, a baby who did not want to ride in the car for 6 hours and my poor mom who was driving more than she should have through wind gusts of over 65 mph we arrived, wind blown, haggled and oh-so excited to see Ree. When we made it to the book store we had to stand in a line and get a number to wait in another line to have a book signed. I have never been to a book signing before, and I was thinking oh this will take 2 hours max and we will be off shopping. I was wrong.
 We were there at 1:00pm and received number 254 and 255 out of almost 500. Not too bad, but I wish we would have made it a little earlier so we could have grabbed a seat in the room. They only had room for 245 people, bummer missed it by 10. We didn't actually sit in the room to listen to Ree speak but they had her over the speaker system and we could hear her all over the store. I was able to sit along a wall crouching over a garbage can for most of the speech but alas my back could take no more and I had to move around. My mom was awesome and helped entertain a very cranky baby.  After waiting  from 1 to 5pm we were able to meet the lovely P-Dub, Ree, The Pioneer Woman, I think you get it.

By the way she is Ama-to-the-Zing.

She is purely genuine, gracious and takes her time with each person. I admire that. She announced she would stay until everyone who wanted a book signed, had one in hand. Very sweet.
Oh and Marlboro Man(her husband Ladd Drummond) was there along with her Mama-in-law and two beautiful girls. I thought it very sweet that her hunny stood right  by the doorway while she signed books the whole time. You can see he is very proud and protective of her. Awww.... those tough Cowboys.

Here is a few photos of Lillie and my Mom(Mi Mi) waiting for our turn. Lillie finally crashed 20 minutes before we were able to go up and visit with Mrs. Drummond.

And here I am, chit-chatting with P-Dub like some adult conversation deprived lunatic...Oh wait, I am an adult conversation deprived lunatic.

Here we are with her.

Ree was very sweet and thanked us for coming so far and offered for us to stay with her in her hotel room....I know she was kidding but I'm kicking myself I didn't take her up on it. My mom the ever a lady politely declined. Me, I was all up for it.
Party in Ree's in room!

It was a great but fast weekend. My mom and I had a great time of shopping, chocolate and mass quantities of coffee. The perfect weekend in my opinion.

 It was good to come home to my 2 big girls and my hunny. They were ready for mama to come home and daddy was amazing for watching them so I could go and cross off a bucket-list item. He was all smiles this morning when he left for work. I knew...he was ready to be released from his duty and I was ready to resume mine.

Blessings today!


Unknown said...

Sounds like an exciting trip! I am so jealous that you got a chance to meet her.

The Mac's House said...

Glad to hear that you had a good time. I love the photos. Your little one is adorable!

G Rae said...

AWESOME!! I love her! I am so glad to hear she is just as awesome in real life. Happy Day!

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