I did not go M.I.A....
However, I have been doing a lot of things that have absolutely consumed my life....and since summer on the prairie is short and sweet, I have been making the best of it.
I have accomplished yard work, furniture projects, swimming lessons, fishing trips, parades, doctors appointments, chicken keeping and just to prove to you that I have had my camera out, I have some photos.....lots of photos to document my M.I.A status over the last month.
Are you ready?
Our 4th of July started out with our community parade and Peter's Rock Crawling Club drove their Jeeps,
I love this car, it speaks Americana, kinda like Apple pie.
Peter took some vacation time and we headed to the Black Hills for a day to fish, pick flowers and explore.
So here is hoping that I can be better at getting my photos from my camera to the blog. I have so much to show you all. The bees, and chickens my green grass( oh yes, I have grass now.) I have a couple of furniture projects that I have finished.......
Oh, and as the hottest part of summer starts we are ready to have a bit of a slow down before school starts back up. We have a two camping trips left and lots of family coming in from across country to finish off our break in true celebratory style. I'm praying you are taking time to enjoy relaxed schedules, warm weather and those closest to you.
Blessings over you!
so fun...your girls are adorable!!
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