Well the day is here. Kindergarten had officially started and Hallie is so excited....
Can you tell? Poor Mrs. Thompson, she is in for a wild year.
Dropping her off went exceptionally well, and the fact that her Daddy showed up made her day! I thought for sure I would be a blubbering mess however, Sophie accomplished this for both of us.
I know it doesn't look like it but Sophie was upset and thought she was going to school with Hallie. When we arrived at the school Sophie asked where her snack was. Poor girl, she will be lost without her "Howie
Hallie walking into school with Sophie Hot on her heels |
"Wait for me Howie"
Overall we had a good day. I wanted Hallie to have a memorable first day and not think back to her bawling mother. Now for the record, I have no problems with those mama's that cry on your baby's first day of school. I "heart" you. I just know my girl and she would have been concerned that something was wrong if she saw me crying. Thank you to Sophie who was in tears enough for the both of us and so distracted me from my own pity party. That neediness does come in handy at times.
So after a busy day preparing for a Back-to-School-Bash for the youth tonight we went to pick up our Hallie. She was standing in line at her classroom door when I got there and she says, "aw mom I wanted to play on the playground" Not "hi mom" not "I missed you mom," no disappointment that I had been gone all day. Nope, she wanted to play again and I was informed that she can come out by herself, I don't need to go in and get her. Oh she is so independent. I love that about her. I guess we have done something right. A secure big school girl. She reminds me of her daddy in this picture....
Happy to be alive...happy to be going to school....happy to be a kindergartner.
Oh and on another note, Lillie turned 5 months old yesterday.
Happy 5 month birthday baby girl! |
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