Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter 2011...

I have been trying to get this post uploaded for 3 days and I'm finally finding the time to do so in between laundry, lunches, bathing 3 children and packing for a mama-only trip. My first priority is my family and so blogging comes in after them and most times that is dead last. Sorry my dear friend, littlemamaontheprairie-but it is true.
Now on to photos from this weekend. 

I have learned that you will never get a photo with more than 2 children to look in the same direction, smile, sit still, or pose at the same time so just push that button and embrace the moment......

And if we are really honest with ourselves....any given moment that is frozen in time will look like one of these photos.

The moment a photo is captured it can tell a story....and that story might say.... I or I'm:

Just woke up, 
Fed up,
Over it.....

Must I go on.

These just make me laugh and smile and....tear up a little.

 I love dressed up "littles" on Easter Sunday. It is a great passion of plan the dresses (matching of course) shoes, tights, hats, hair-dos. It's all in the details of course. I mean look at these "littles" all spiffed up. And a suit and tie on a little boy....oh I can't help to contain it....the smooching that is.
 I smooched those two little boys like a thousand times. I also might have gotten scolded by their Uncle for leaving lipstick marks on their chubby pink cheeks.
Oh-it was so worth it.

I love cousins holding babies on a first Easter......

And sisters reading the Resurrection story to a baby on a second Easter.

Last Easter, Lillie was 3 days old....look at her, I can almost smell the fresh baked scent of a newborn.

Easter 2010

Speaking of first Easter's....This little girl had her first one too.

Another Cousin holding a baby on a first.

And another cousin photo shoot...and like I said before....if there is more than two children in a photo it will not be picture perfect, cute nonetheless.

Another sweet one of this little girl who is sweetness herself.

And while the adults were chit-chatting...I caught all of the girls in a puddle of peach on the floor, playing.

Two Brothers holding two daughters for a good-bye kiss.

And the finale, an Easter Egg hunt with a dozen great-grand kids....all holding their favorite prized egg.

And no, I didn't even try to get them all to look at me....just click that shutter and call it a day. (:

Just an FYI there was still about 6 more great-grand kids that were not in this picture, 16 of them are under the age of 6. We like to call it Baby Bonanza around here....

I pray you had a joyful Easter celebrating our Saviours Resurrection with family and friends.

I will be leaving on Thursday for a women's retreat for 4 days so I will be absent from blogging for a few days.

Praying peace and blessings over you this week!


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